
let it snow..

just standing in the snow in my back yard.

well the weather sure has been frightful! it snowed a little over 14 inches in the last 36 hours.. that is a lot of snow! i've been hibernating in my house because i've been too afraid to try and venture on the roads. that's okay though, it has given me plenty of time to unpack my things though, oh and i can't forget all the holiday cooking. i think it's safe to say i made maybe 16 dozen cookies, and a few batches of brownies. the neighbors better be loving me. but it's okay, i've secretly missed cooking so much while i've been away, so it was a nice way to break myself back in.


T minus 11 days!

so i know i have been so terrible at this whole blogging thing, but as i have found out, college takes a lot out of you! i have been wanting to spend as little amount of time as possible on my computer, seeing as to how all my homework is done on this thing.
i have decided to finally make a post due to the lovely holiday coming up! ah christmas :) definitely my favorite holiday out of them all. the christmas tree decorating, the wreaths, christmas lights, and the music. and i have found an absolutely wonderful sight that has great christmas music. as much as i love the classics, they get just a little bit old.. so check this sight out..  www.heyitschristmas.com  it's still all of our favorite christmastime music, with just a little bit of a new sound.. check it out.. you'll enjoy.