Whoa, excuse my absence please. But you are probably used to it. Arizona has been treating me well, I'm still not quite used to it, and I still have my bouts of wanting to move back to Salt Lake, but I'm trying to suppress those feelings. About a month ago though, I took a very last minute trip to visit a friend of mine in San Fransisco. And when I say last minute I mean he texted me at 1030 Friday night seeing when I was going to come and visit him, and I proposed that I get on the very next flight at 530am on Saturday. So I did. It was so much fun too. We saw two baseball games, went to Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39, got delicous ice cream at Ghiradelli's Square, saw the Painted Ladies (maybe even played the Full House theme song a few times as well), and we got to celebrate the 75th birthday of the Golden Gate Bridge with hundreds of other people. Over all a pretty awesome trip, and I seriously can't wait to go back again. Well, here's picture time! Don't act like you didn't know it was coming.

We waited for an hour and a half for Mama's, and it was oh so worth it (see the huge line behind us? Can't believe we were at the end of that..)
Random art show we found while walking through San Fran
Fisherman's Wharf
The seals at Pier 39. We watched them for a good 45 minutes
A beautiful garden/sanctuary place we found that was built for the world fair
It's the Ladies!
Beautiful city at night, I'm in love.